Thursday, 5 April 2012

SS11-April 5

Happy Easter All:)!!  Today we started our 'Government' unit and brainstormed ways that we could effect change on the government (as Canadian citizens).  Although this unit TENDS to be vocabulary focused, I want to utilize your thinking skills as much as possible, so be ready to participate and answer some hard questions in your reflective journal.

As for work: at this point, your portfolio was due today, interviews will begin on Tuesday.  If you have not handed in a summative project and want to not receive an 'I' from me, I suggest you give it to me on Tuesday.  **Those of you who have not handed in a portfolio and have NOT talked to me, you need to email me this weekend and discuss your reasons-ignoring this is NOT a good idea and only prolongs the inevitable conversation.

For cue cards: Wednesday is the due date for WWII terms (choose 30/74 from Workbook to complete).  For the government unit (which is heavily vocab  based) cue cards are very important.  However, after speaking with a few of you-you are concerned about adding significance to all of them-SO, I will make a few concessions.......Here they are:

-I encourage you to (when you have the time, ENSURE you know all 74 key terms for the government unit)
-for ME, however I will choose the following 32 that I would like you to complete (the numbers correspond with the workbook term numbers)
2, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 27, 31, 33, 36, 40, 43, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 70, 71
**reminder you WILL have independent work time all class on Tuesday and I will only be assigning a few exercises, so if you utilize your class time, you should get these all done! 
-We will touch base in class about a 'realistic' due date but likely it will be the Friday before you leave me:(

**One more thing!!  Your Workplace Safety Lesson is PAST DUE-I am giving what I have to Mr. Derbyshire on Tuesday, so give it to me then if you want me to hand it in, otherwise, as far as I am concerned you are 'big people' and you will responsible for getting it in to Mr. Derbyshire yourself (no one will chase you).

Have a great Easter-don't eat TOO much chocolate................

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