Friday, 13 April 2012

SS11-April 13 was our LAST official day together :(  I would just like to tell you all that it was an absolute PLEASURE to teach you and I am so proud of what you have all accomplished.  It is a very hard adjustment to be asked to 'think in a different way' and you all rose to the occasion!  I hope that you look at history not as a 'bunch of old facts' but as a series of events that you can now trace to your own lives and use as reference in interesting critical thinking discussions.  Anyways, enough with my 'mushy talk'-thank-you for being such a great class.

Now-for the 'details'....
-you need to come to my class (usual time-blocks 3/4) for your Government test (only multiple choice/short answer) on THURSDAY APRIL 19-mark this down!!  If you can NOT make that time, you need to email me asap and we will set up an alternate time for you to take your test.
-you got your essays back today-PLEASE see me about how to improve, I am available anytime at lunch or blocks 3/4 to help and I would LOVE to help you out-so use this time!!  Just email me if it is a certain day/time that you want to come in, otherwise just pop in my portable and I will likely be there!

Assignment for the 'last part' of government: Human Rights (ch.10 in textbook, pgs. 30-37 in workbook)
- please pay special attention to this unit as it is important and many of the topics will resurface in your 'human geography unit.'
1) Complete a 1 paragraph reflection on: 'Are there certain rights that should be protected NO MATTER WHAT as humans?'  Therefore, no matter what country/situation certain human rights should ALWAYS be protected at all costs....  Provide reasons and examples for your answers.  Email me this asap
2) You need to see me on Monday (any time) and collect the exercises for this chapter.  They will be due to me on the 'test day' for completion........

**Keep checking the blog!!  This is how I can communicate with you and I assume you are reading it EVERY DAY (I won't post everyday but check it so you are informed as quickly as possible!)

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