Tuesday, 31 January 2012

SS11-Jan. 31

Today you presented your 'Canadian Rants' and they were AWESOME!!  Please keep these in your book as they are great evidence for your portfolio:)  Mr. Derbyshire came in today and chatted with you about Work Experience and what your options are.  I really encourage all of you to take some time and think about where you would like to be placed for your work experience and let me/Mr. Derbyshire know what you are thinking asap (the sooner we can get in touch with possible employers the better!).

We have been exploring the idea about, What it means to be Canadian? You have discovered 'assumptions' about Canadians and investigated your own theories about what it means to be Canadian.  Before you left class today, I asked you to hand-in your paragraph from Exercsie #1/Question #4.  I will provide you feedback on this task. Exercise #2 (the role of America upon Canadian culture) is due at the beginning of class tomorrow so make sure it is completed (minus question #4) as we are using it as a discussion point for class.

Glimpse into tomorrow:
- What is Canada's role in world affairs during the 20th century?  We will start from the beginning
As promised.......secret task: Bring to class a personal artifact that you believe to be an example of your Canadian identity.  Also........bring a seperate notebook for 'Historical Reflections' that we will use to compile your thoughts/reflections on historical events throughout the semester.

Psych 11/12-Jan.31

Today we did some more activities in order to 'get to know eachother' better!  You worked in groups and you filled out a questionnaire so we could all learn some more about one another.  For tomorrow, please bring a personal artifact from home (anything that is important to you) and bring it to class.  This will help us to answer our essential question for this unit: What makes us who we are?  Cheers!

Monday, 30 January 2012

SS11 First Day!

Well, I am very excited about all my classes this semester!  We had some great discussion and did some great intro. activities today.  Please make sure that you keep your 'Canadian Identity' photocopies as we will work with them tomorrow.  You will also be expected to present your 'Canadian Rant' to our class tomorrow (we will have some class time to work on them) so bring music or video that you would like to help 'add some spice' to your presentation.  Mr. Derbyshire is coming in from Career Ed. to answer any of your questions regarding work experience, so be ready:)!  Homework: you NEED to go to my website: mrssamson.webnode.com and
1) Print off Course Outline
2) Write down one thing you discovered about me
3) Ask a question (FAQ) that you would like me to answer

Psych 11/12 First Day!

Well, I am very excited about all my classes this semester!  We had some great discussion and did some great intro. activities today.  For tomorrow you NEED to go to my website: mrssamson.webnode.com and
1) Print off Course Outline
2) Write down one thing you discovered about me
3) Ask a question (FAQ) that you would like me to answer